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Home: Project
Thank you all for sticking with us!

It's been an amazing year, doing what we love! Hopefully, our games will entertain people forever, but the school-year is over and the members of LowResViews are parting. 

Home: Welcome

Your daily dose of entertainment, on the go!

In late 2016, a strategical board game under the name Grids was conceptualized. In early 2017, a group of students under the name LowResViews begun work on translating Grids into a video game. In mid-2018, after the game was released to the public, those who worked on Grids banded together to finally make LowResViews a reality.


Your daily dose of entertainment, on the go!

In late 2016, a strategical board game under the name Grids was conceptualized. In early 2017, a group of students under the name LowResViews begun work on translating Grids into a video game. In mid-2018, after the game was released to the public, those who worked on Grids banded together to finally make LowResViews a reality.


Your daily dose of entertainment, on the go!

In late 2016, a strategical board game under the name Grids was conceptualized. In early 2017, a group of students under the name LowResViews begun work on translating Grids into a video game. In mid-2018, after the game was released to the public, those who worked on Grids banded together to finally make LowResViews a reality.

Who was LowResViews?

Get to know the people behind the games a bit better.

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Harald Wergeland

Lead Programmer

Game Designer

In early 2017, Harald Wergeland, together with Bastian Randau and Markus Lejon created a digital version of Grids, a strategical board game that was conceptualized in late 2016. Harald is the creator of most systems within our games.

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Oskar Jönnerheim

3D Modelling

Together with Bastian Randau, Oskar Jönnerheim helped creating the graphics for the classic version of Grids back in early 2017. Oskar has made a lot of 3D models over the years ever since he begun working with graphics for games.

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Bastian Randau

Game Designer and Artist

Bastian Randau is one of the core members of the original LowResViews. Back in 2016, when Grids was first conceptualized as a board game, Bastian was one of three that digitized the game and got it to LBS Game Awards.



Phone: +46 72-955 43 11

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Naomi Wirén

Head of Marketing
Game Designer

Although she is officially new on the team, Naomi has been helping the LowResViews team since the get-go. Working on multiple projects of her own, she's got a taste for game design decisions with which she helped influence Grids.



Phone: +46 72-704 41 73

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